Monday, December 7, 2009

Looooong Time

Wow! I can't believe how long it's been since my last post. Life as a busy mother sometimes has a way of just slipping by. The school term is almost up and Christmas is the next big event on the family calendar. The tree is late this year; there's been too many other things to attend to. I'm on a personal deadline to finish up a book before the holidays start.

December has been quite full and threatening to get fuller. I attended the Experience christian musical festival and it was quite an experience. I was on my feet all night. I actually thought I would not be able stand up for a whole week, but the following night I was again dancing at our annual dinner; and what do you know, I danced again on Sunday during the thanksgiving service! I don't remember ever dancing this much in my whole life. Anyhow, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and look forward to dancing some more this month.

I look forward to some exciting times soon and promise to share.
