Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rain, rain go away

If you know me well, then you'll know I don't particularly care about the rainy season. Rather curious you might say, considering that I was born and brought up in the heart of Africa's rain forest. Or maybe not so curious, I think I had enough rains as a child to last me a lifetime!

Anyhow, I learnt to accept the rains as more than an inconvenience after I gave my life to Christ some 14+ years ago. Actually began to appreciate the necessity of the rainy season. (note, I did not say, started liking the rains- I still don't). It brings to mind too many memories of harder times gone by that I would rather forget! But what's a girl to do? The rains must come and it has come with all its fury this year.
Lagos is particularly notorious for its seemingly endless rainfall. And then along comes all the associated discomfort; traffic snarls, dirty cars, dirty markets, power outages and all those things that make life in Lagos such a challenge!
One of the things I do not appreciate about the rainy season is the dampness. Everywhere is cold and damp, with a creeping kind of coldness; and yet the humidity remains! With the dampness comes along what I call the "rainy season ailments", runny nose, unclear chests and all sorts of childhood ailments that do not necessarily have names or medical definitions; which is where I have been for the past 10 days or so..................I'll be back
